Review of Q1 Economic Data

By Abhinav Arumilli First a few notes on the previous economic quarter… This quarter was insulated from most of the economic damage due to the COVID crash as it includes great months in January and February Stocks remained volatile, and year to date returns are still heavily negative even with the recent market rebound As … More Review of Q1 Economic Data

Robert Shiller, Behavioral Economics

By Abhinav Arumilli As its most basic, behavioral economics exists to explain the importance of human behavior in economic systems and how individuals and institutions decisions deviate from the role classical and current mainstream economics set for them as rational actors basing behavior off maximum utility. Trends have been found throughout history that can be … More Robert Shiller, Behavioral Economics

J.A Hobson, Imperialism

By Abhinav Arumilli Imperialism from the 16th century to the early 20th century was justified through a multitude of reasons. Most predicated on social reasons, from considering outsiders as uncivilized barbarians to Kipling’s idea that the Western Civilization had an obligation to “civilize” other peoples (White Man’s Burden). However, the most widely accepted theory of … More J.A Hobson, Imperialism

Economics of Earthquakes

An earthquake, especially of the magnitude of the recent California one, damages vital infrastructure and causes various damages. As the number of earthquakes increase so does the increase in the economic impacts countries near fault lines have. In America alone, earthquakes cause large damages. On September 20, the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) reported that … More Economics of Earthquakes